This weekend Nana came to visit and brought Natalie a tricycle from Aunt Duffy and Uncle Dan. She loved it....and learned really quickly how to ride it. She and Nana took many bike rides around the lake and neighborhood.

Got a couple of family pics.....although Baby Brett hasn't gotten the hang of looking at the camera yet.....guess I'll cut him a little slack since he is all of 11 weeks old.

Nat just loves her baby brother. She tells me several times a day how much she loves Brett. And I know he feels the same for her...If I am nursing him and she walks in the room, he hears her voice and he strains his little neck to get a glimps of her....all while keeping a lip lock on me. It's so funny. He is starting to smile more and more this week and he spends alot of his smiles on his big sister. And Natalie repeats everything we say to Brett. She gets in his face and says "where's your smile baby? how ya doing buster? hi bubbas," etc. And she strokes his little face.....oh it makes me melt.

Our little Muffin girl is just growing up so fast. She says the funniest things...and does the funniest things. She likes to nurse her baby dolls now. Shirt up, baby on boob, burp-rag and all. It is hysterical. She says she is feeding her babies "booby-juice." LOL And can the girl eat!!! Seriously.....she eats three packs of oatmeal each morning and still claims she is hungry. Where is she putting it all? Oh to have the metabolism of a three year old!!!
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