Natalie got to spend a fun filled weekend with her Nana and Papa. I hosted a cookie swap (pics to follow soon) and they offered to take her for a few days. We made the mistake of telling her she was going a month too early. That is all she talked about for weeks.
The day finally arrived....we met my folks in Verde for lunch and to send Nat home with them.
That first evening they went to the Outlets at Anthem to see the state's tallest Christmas tree. She would not get too close to Santa that night....she patted his knee...but that was it.
She stuck close by her Papa....and her reindeer ears were too cute.
Back at Nana and Papa's she had her own special little bed up in their room. Nice and cozy with her Christmas quilt and pillow.

Nana's sweet friend Mary gave them a funny smiley face mask....and Nat and Nana had too much fun with it. Nat actually took this pic of her Nana. Pretty good!

Nat's turn to wear the funny face.

The next morning Nana took Nat to go have breakfast with Santa Clause.

Today she and Santa were tight! She told him that she wanted a kitchen and play-doh!

They made a special stop off at the park. Sher missed her dinosaur buddy!

The slide is always fun!

Then there was the fun night with her cousins at Zoo Lights. Here she is with Ella!

Getting ready to go! Sidney and Ella and Nat

Fisrt there was a really fancy dinner at McDonalds....their favorite.

Fisrt there was a really fancy dinner at McDonalds....their favorite.
Holding hands

Nana hand made this darling Christmas tutu for Nat. She LOVED it.

Nat and Nana made a beautiful Gingerbread House...

Natalie cannot wait to go visit again....she really enjoyed the special attention. And Chad and I REALLY enjoyed the time at home with eachother and Baby Brett. It was SOOOOOOOO quiet at our house this last weekend. Papa has a new nickname for Nat "my litle Yapper."
A bad winter storm threathened the North, so her visit was cut a little short........but she sure had a great time. She has not stopped talking about it. Thanks to mom and dad for giving Nat such fun memories and for giving Chad and I a very appreciated break!
Very fun times for all of you! Enjoy them... Weren't you supposed to go to Colorado this week? Hope the weather doesn't ruin your plans. Looking forward to seeing everyone soon. Love, Aunt Kim
How neat that Natalie got to spend such fun time with her grandparents. And of course the time off for you guys must have been much appreciated!
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