This might be silly. I was going thru my Favorites List on AOL and noticed I had a link to another blogging site.......I totally had forgotten that I had a blog when Natalie was really young. I didn't do a good job of keeping up with it. Anyways, I decided to transfer the entries over to this site.....just for sake of organization.

A few pics: and some cute details on Nat's first year. And it brings back lots of funny memories for me.
March 27, 2006
Well.....I heard about these online journals through a few friends. I hear they are a great way to keep family and friends updated on what's going on here in our lives. With all of our family out of town it will be fun to give them some details of Natalie's day to day activities!!
She is almost 6 months old. I cannot believe it!! And she is a character for sure!! I will try not to bore everyone with too many silly details!!
Ok.....she is on a great schedule! I have no complaints! She usually wakes up between 7 and 8 am every morning! Like clockwork! Some days I can hear her wake up and talk and play in her crib for quite a while! When she is good and ready she lets us know.....she'll start to get really noisy!! She is so funny when we get her up out of her crib! Sometimes she is shy and won't look at us right away!! She pretends we aren't there! And other days she is yipping and yapping and shines her big smile on us right when she see's us!! It makes my morning for sure!!
Well, this morning has already been a crazy one. She decided to throw up breakfast! It wasn't as bad as last night's fiasco! Today was some cereal and peaches and apples. I am not sure why it happened...but it got all over. I had just washed the high chair cover from last night and luckily hadn't put it back on yet! Not a huge mess! But she was covered.....gross! The worst is when she looks at it on her arm or legs and then rubs her hands in it and then touches her face! EEEWWW. Anyhow...we did a quick costume change and got some more food in her. All is good now!!
She is taking her nap is almost 10am. She usually goes down about two or two and a half hours after she wakes up. Her naps last from one to two hours. Gives me great time to jump on the treadmill or online...or pay bills..or whatever!! I appreciate it!!
So we had a first this past weekend: the Nursery at Church!!!! We decided to try it out! Didn't go so well!! Basically we got there early so we could ease her into it...well that didn't happen! The nice lady Nancy took her from Chad right away and started to walk her around the room! She was doing ok! No tears...she wasn't even looking for me. So we left...and I cried. Yup cried like a baby! I was so sad to let her go! Even if it was only for a little over an hour! Anyways...we got to our seats in Church and I was trying to hide my tears...and after about 15 minutes my friend Autumn who had just dropped off Olivia in the Nursery came up to me and said..."your princess isn't too happy in there." I told her to be straight with me....should I go and get her? She said she would have if she were me. So....just as service was starting I went back towards the Nursery. As soon as I opened the door to the hallway I could hear her wailing! Poor Baby! Boy was she worked up! Nancy was trying everything to soothe her...but she wouldn't have it! I took her and it took a good 10 minutes to calm her down. So we hung out in the Nursery together for a long while. She became pretty happy and was playing with toys and the other kids. It was a little tough because she was the only one that couldn't sit up on her own....anyways...after a while the other kids were put into high charis around a half moon table and ate Cheerios. We haven't done Cheerios yet so Nat got a bottle. Afterward I put her into a high chair with the others and she did great! I was able to sneak away! When service was over I went back to get her and again I heard her wailing as soon as I opened the door! But they promised me she had just started! Two minutes before. She immediately calmed down...and we were on our way! We will definetely try again next week! It will just take time I am sure! Autumn said Olivia had to be rescued for the first five or six times! Whew! It's normal then!! Part of the problem was my fault! According to her schedule she was ready for a nap when we arrived...and the Nursery doesn't have beds or cribs at poor thing had to stay awake for an extra two hours! My Bad!!
Well....that's it for now! I am re-reading this and an hoping it's not too boring!! Life as a stay at home Mom is a little....routine-like. More later!!
She is almost 6 months old. I cannot believe it!! And she is a character for sure!! I will try not to bore everyone with too many silly details!!
Ok.....she is on a great schedule! I have no complaints! She usually wakes up between 7 and 8 am every morning! Like clockwork! Some days I can hear her wake up and talk and play in her crib for quite a while! When she is good and ready she lets us know.....she'll start to get really noisy!! She is so funny when we get her up out of her crib! Sometimes she is shy and won't look at us right away!! She pretends we aren't there! And other days she is yipping and yapping and shines her big smile on us right when she see's us!! It makes my morning for sure!!
Well, this morning has already been a crazy one. She decided to throw up breakfast! It wasn't as bad as last night's fiasco! Today was some cereal and peaches and apples. I am not sure why it happened...but it got all over. I had just washed the high chair cover from last night and luckily hadn't put it back on yet! Not a huge mess! But she was covered.....gross! The worst is when she looks at it on her arm or legs and then rubs her hands in it and then touches her face! EEEWWW. Anyhow...we did a quick costume change and got some more food in her. All is good now!!
She is taking her nap is almost 10am. She usually goes down about two or two and a half hours after she wakes up. Her naps last from one to two hours. Gives me great time to jump on the treadmill or online...or pay bills..or whatever!! I appreciate it!!
So we had a first this past weekend: the Nursery at Church!!!! We decided to try it out! Didn't go so well!! Basically we got there early so we could ease her into it...well that didn't happen! The nice lady Nancy took her from Chad right away and started to walk her around the room! She was doing ok! No tears...she wasn't even looking for me. So we left...and I cried. Yup cried like a baby! I was so sad to let her go! Even if it was only for a little over an hour! Anyways...we got to our seats in Church and I was trying to hide my tears...and after about 15 minutes my friend Autumn who had just dropped off Olivia in the Nursery came up to me and said..."your princess isn't too happy in there." I told her to be straight with me....should I go and get her? She said she would have if she were me. So....just as service was starting I went back towards the Nursery. As soon as I opened the door to the hallway I could hear her wailing! Poor Baby! Boy was she worked up! Nancy was trying everything to soothe her...but she wouldn't have it! I took her and it took a good 10 minutes to calm her down. So we hung out in the Nursery together for a long while. She became pretty happy and was playing with toys and the other kids. It was a little tough because she was the only one that couldn't sit up on her own....anyways...after a while the other kids were put into high charis around a half moon table and ate Cheerios. We haven't done Cheerios yet so Nat got a bottle. Afterward I put her into a high chair with the others and she did great! I was able to sneak away! When service was over I went back to get her and again I heard her wailing as soon as I opened the door! But they promised me she had just started! Two minutes before. She immediately calmed down...and we were on our way! We will definetely try again next week! It will just take time I am sure! Autumn said Olivia had to be rescued for the first five or six times! Whew! It's normal then!! Part of the problem was my fault! According to her schedule she was ready for a nap when we arrived...and the Nursery doesn't have beds or cribs at poor thing had to stay awake for an extra two hours! My Bad!!
Well....that's it for now! I am re-reading this and an hoping it's not too boring!! Life as a stay at home Mom is a little....routine-like. More later!!
March 26, 2006 Later in Day I know why Muffin was throwing up! I woke her up from her morning nap and noticed she was moving her tongue around in her mouth in a funny way! She has a tooth!! Her first one is peeking thru! Yeah! It is tiny but hard and rough! Too funny! She has kept her lunch down so far! Chad missed it. He is in Phx for a two day class...but we called him at lunch and told him all about it!
More later!
More later!
March 29, 2006- it's Supposed to be Spring Right?

LET IT SNOW LET IT SNOW LET IT SNOW! Isn't it supposed to be Springtime? I am so tired of this weather! But we definitely need the moisture here in Flagstaff! So no complaints!!
Well my Muffin is doing better today! No projectile vomiting yet! She kept breakfast down...we'll see about lunch! She woke up this morning with her second tooth! It is so cute! It is on the bottom too right next to her first one! And she has been playing with them with her tongue all day! So cute! I tried a teething biscuit last night...but she couldn't quite hold onto it. She would get it into her drooly mouth and then drop it! In time I suppose!
Not much else to report. Chad got home safely....he missed her so much! He said that it was only one night but it felt like days! I hope I do ok when I have to leave her for my Girls trip in a month!
Note to self: Nat hates peas. Last night she gagged on them. LOL LOL Then her gagging brought on a whole high chair splattered with throw-up! AARRGGHH. She does so well with all other green vegies: spinache, beans, but not the peas!!
Well my Muffin is doing better today! No projectile vomiting yet! She kept breakfast down...we'll see about lunch! She woke up this morning with her second tooth! It is so cute! It is on the bottom too right next to her first one! And she has been playing with them with her tongue all day! So cute! I tried a teething biscuit last night...but she couldn't quite hold onto it. She would get it into her drooly mouth and then drop it! In time I suppose!
Not much else to report. Chad got home safely....he missed her so much! He said that it was only one night but it felt like days! I hope I do ok when I have to leave her for my Girls trip in a month!
Note to self: Nat hates peas. Last night she gagged on them. LOL LOL Then her gagging brought on a whole high chair splattered with throw-up! AARRGGHH. She does so well with all other green vegies: spinache, beans, but not the peas!!
April 13, 2006- Nat's First Word, Well Kinda, ok Not really
We spent the weekend in Phx....Chad had to go to Sacramento for a conference. While he was gone Natalie learned a few new tricks. She says the "d" sound.....and it almost sounds like "Da-Da." Typical, I spend all day every day with her and Dad gets all the glory!! is really cute actually. She also makes this funny clicking noise with her mouth now. Almost like fish lips.....LOL LOL
She got her 6 month shots last week.....she did great. She was done crying before we even left the room! She weighs 15.12 lbs and is 29 inches long. That puts her at the 50th percentile in weight and off the charts with height! Seriously. The Doc said his chart only goes to 95th percentile and she was past it.....LOL LOL He called her a leggy supermodel!!! Works for me. I think Daddy wants her to be a beach volleyball player! LOL.
We are headed back to Phx for Easter in two days. It was beautiful down there....perfect weather.
We are trying out Soy formula......this kid has the most sensitive belly. We put her on the "comfort- easy to digest stuff" a few weeks ago....and she is back to spitting up really bad....pretty much throwing up. So we tried was great, but so so expensive. We'll see what happens. I just want her to keep it all in whatever it is.
Chad really missed Nat. We woke her up when we got back from the airport so he could love on her. She is such a good Muffin. I will miss her alot when I leave for my trip. Janice (Chad's Mom) is going to make a visit that weekend which will be great!
Well more later.
She got her 6 month shots last week.....she did great. She was done crying before we even left the room! She weighs 15.12 lbs and is 29 inches long. That puts her at the 50th percentile in weight and off the charts with height! Seriously. The Doc said his chart only goes to 95th percentile and she was past it.....LOL LOL He called her a leggy supermodel!!! Works for me. I think Daddy wants her to be a beach volleyball player! LOL.
We are headed back to Phx for Easter in two days. It was beautiful down there....perfect weather.
We are trying out Soy formula......this kid has the most sensitive belly. We put her on the "comfort- easy to digest stuff" a few weeks ago....and she is back to spitting up really bad....pretty much throwing up. So we tried was great, but so so expensive. We'll see what happens. I just want her to keep it all in whatever it is.
Chad really missed Nat. We woke her up when we got back from the airport so he could love on her. She is such a good Muffin. I will miss her alot when I leave for my trip. Janice (Chad's Mom) is going to make a visit that weekend which will be great!
Well more later.

April 30, 2006- I left Nat for the first time
Every year my mom and sister and I take a Girls Trip! We have had some wonderful times and have made some fabulous memories! We have been to New York City twice, to Hollywood, to Chicago and this year we wanted to go to San Antonio! But, I hadn't left Natalie before. We decided to make it a shorter trip this year...three days rather than five. Chad was awesome enough to take off a couple of days from work and his parents made a trip to Flagstaff to visit too! It was great!
My trip was awesome...we ate lots of chips and salsa..drank lots of Margaritas...and did lots of shopping!! We stayed near the River Walk. It was some great relaxing and rest....that was well needed! I missed Natalie for sure...but I did not have any Mommy Melt Downs!! Chad called one particular time and left a voice mail of her letting out her big belly laughs!!! It was great!! Mom and Jaime and I laughed all night at it!
When I got home Saturday night Chad and Janice had Nat all bathed and smelling her PJs and waiting for me. It was nice! I walked in and at first she really was not sure about me. She just looked at me and then looked at Chad and Janice as if to ask if I was "ok". It was funny! But what was I expecting really? She is 7 months old....I guess she really can't run into my arms screeching "mommy...mommy." I was thrilled to have her back in my arms...and she had learned something new...she put her forehead right up to mine...eye to eye.....too cute! I did Miss her tons! I feel way comfortable about leaving her. I definitely benefited from the few days away as much as she did.....more most likely!! And Nat got some great Daddy time and of course time with Grandma and Grandpa!!
Now it's back to our normal routine!! More later!!!
My trip was awesome...we ate lots of chips and salsa..drank lots of Margaritas...and did lots of shopping!! We stayed near the River Walk. It was some great relaxing and rest....that was well needed! I missed Natalie for sure...but I did not have any Mommy Melt Downs!! Chad called one particular time and left a voice mail of her letting out her big belly laughs!!! It was great!! Mom and Jaime and I laughed all night at it!
When I got home Saturday night Chad and Janice had Nat all bathed and smelling her PJs and waiting for me. It was nice! I walked in and at first she really was not sure about me. She just looked at me and then looked at Chad and Janice as if to ask if I was "ok". It was funny! But what was I expecting really? She is 7 months old....I guess she really can't run into my arms screeching "mommy...mommy." I was thrilled to have her back in my arms...and she had learned something new...she put her forehead right up to mine...eye to eye.....too cute! I did Miss her tons! I feel way comfortable about leaving her. I definitely benefited from the few days away as much as she did.....more most likely!! And Nat got some great Daddy time and of course time with Grandma and Grandpa!!
Now it's back to our normal routine!! More later!!!
June 03, 2006
Wow, it has been quite a while since I have updated this here goes! May was a big month for us. Nat turned 7 months on May 2nd and had alot of new and fun things happen! Let's see: Mother's Day was great! Auntie J (Jaime) kidnapped her and had professional pics taken for me for a surprise Mom's Day gift! They turned out adorable (even though she was not very smiley that day.) She is sitting up in the pics...which was new for her 7th month! She is very good at it now. It took her a while, I just blamed that Belisle head of hers....she is a bit top-heavy!! But she has it down now! And she loves to sit up. It's a whole new world for her.
Cheerios: what a hoot. We tried them at breakfast one morning with Grandma and Grandpa....and if you could see her facials. She looked like she was eating something horrible...and almost looked like she wanted to gag. We were all cracking up at her. But she got used to the new texture and loves them. She is still trying to get the hang of getting them to her mouth by herself. She gets one in her fingers and then sucks her thumb.....with the Cheerio right on her lips. What a goof!! Every now and then she gets one in. Mom usually has to help!
We got her a walker and she scoots all around the house. I realized just how dirty my floors are! She loves it. The first night she had already worn a hole thru her footy on from now on!!! Anyhow, she likes to troll around the kitchen while I am working in there .....had to finally start babyproofing...electrical outlet plugs went in yesterday!!! I have alot of work to do when it comes to Babyproofing. Maybe I can just teach her not to touch? Can you do that with an 8 month old? I already tried. We have a house plant on the floor....and she tore off a leaf and it went in her mouth. So I got down on her level and told her no and swatted her hand. And she stuck that bottom lip out so far and I really hurt her feelings. I had to turn away because I was going to either cry or laugh myself! I felt so bad....but anyways, on the third reprimand she finally got it and walked right past it after looking around the corner to see if I was watching! LOL LOL We'll see what happens!
She is still on such a great schedule, although I am finding that I can really push her limits. If I need her to stay up late or skip a nap she adjusts very well!! One day in May we had grad parties and other events all day long and she did awesome. She was a happy camper all day.....stayed up till after 9pm and was great! I am having less and less anxiety about our cruise in Sept now. I am hoping she does well.....everyone else seems to think she will be fine. You know, I have ALWAYS been the person who would see a kid on a cruise and say "who brings a baby on a cruise?" And now I am that person. Ironic!!! I just pray it goes well!!
She says Ma-Ma and Da-Da and Na-Na all the time. I doubt she knows what she is saying but it sure makes us smile!! Ma-Ma debuted on Mother's Day. Quite appropriate!!
She is huge.....long and skinny! Bigger than any other babes her age that we come into contact with! Sometimes I think I expect too much.....even I can forget she is still so young for her size.
We have experimented with homemade baby's going ok so far.
So sorry if this is so long and boring to any of you! Just like to get the updates out.
Chad and I are doing well. Chad is still so busy getting the landscaping in. It's coming along great! He is doing an awesome job! I should sign we are hitting the Annual Flagstaff Fajita Cook-off. I am cooking with Bank One/ Chase again. Hopefully we will hold out first place title!! It's a gorgeous day here today.....88 degrees...and cloudy! Love it!!
Cheerios: what a hoot. We tried them at breakfast one morning with Grandma and Grandpa....and if you could see her facials. She looked like she was eating something horrible...and almost looked like she wanted to gag. We were all cracking up at her. But she got used to the new texture and loves them. She is still trying to get the hang of getting them to her mouth by herself. She gets one in her fingers and then sucks her thumb.....with the Cheerio right on her lips. What a goof!! Every now and then she gets one in. Mom usually has to help!
We got her a walker and she scoots all around the house. I realized just how dirty my floors are! She loves it. The first night she had already worn a hole thru her footy on from now on!!! Anyhow, she likes to troll around the kitchen while I am working in there .....had to finally start babyproofing...electrical outlet plugs went in yesterday!!! I have alot of work to do when it comes to Babyproofing. Maybe I can just teach her not to touch? Can you do that with an 8 month old? I already tried. We have a house plant on the floor....and she tore off a leaf and it went in her mouth. So I got down on her level and told her no and swatted her hand. And she stuck that bottom lip out so far and I really hurt her feelings. I had to turn away because I was going to either cry or laugh myself! I felt so bad....but anyways, on the third reprimand she finally got it and walked right past it after looking around the corner to see if I was watching! LOL LOL We'll see what happens!
She is still on such a great schedule, although I am finding that I can really push her limits. If I need her to stay up late or skip a nap she adjusts very well!! One day in May we had grad parties and other events all day long and she did awesome. She was a happy camper all day.....stayed up till after 9pm and was great! I am having less and less anxiety about our cruise in Sept now. I am hoping she does well.....everyone else seems to think she will be fine. You know, I have ALWAYS been the person who would see a kid on a cruise and say "who brings a baby on a cruise?" And now I am that person. Ironic!!! I just pray it goes well!!
She says Ma-Ma and Da-Da and Na-Na all the time. I doubt she knows what she is saying but it sure makes us smile!! Ma-Ma debuted on Mother's Day. Quite appropriate!!
She is huge.....long and skinny! Bigger than any other babes her age that we come into contact with! Sometimes I think I expect too much.....even I can forget she is still so young for her size.
We have experimented with homemade baby's going ok so far.
So sorry if this is so long and boring to any of you! Just like to get the updates out.
Chad and I are doing well. Chad is still so busy getting the landscaping in. It's coming along great! He is doing an awesome job! I should sign we are hitting the Annual Flagstaff Fajita Cook-off. I am cooking with Bank One/ Chase again. Hopefully we will hold out first place title!! It's a gorgeous day here today.....88 degrees...and cloudy! Love it!!
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