"Momma, the giraffe got his slobber allllll over me! EEEWW!"
Nat was thrilled when her grandma and grandpa paid us a visit from Colorado this last weekend. The big event planned was a trip to the Out of Africa Wild Animal Park in Camp Verde.
Our day started with a Safari ride, and out of nowhere a HUGE giraffe walked by the bus and ate right out of our hands. He just stuck his long neck in and and his VERY LONG tongue out and ate up all the carrots. It was hysterical. We all gave our carrots to Nat who loved every minute of it.
We spent the entire day there and had so much fun. Nat got such a kick out of all the animals, most of which she recognized from her new favorite movie The Lion King! She even laughed right back at the laughing hyenas...she got over her fear fast!

We were able to see all the predators being fed....pretty awesome. Natalie was convinced it was Simba!

Baby Brett really could have cared less....as long as he had his Cheerios and a nap here and there, he was happy.
Nat gave us all the goosebumps when she got right in and became friends with two pythons.....100 pound pythons...I am sure these pics will give her Papa nightmares!
Our day ended with a Camel ride for Natalie and I...I had a death grip on Nat....it was quite bumpy...but she loved every second and wanted to go again as soon as we got off.
It was a fantastic day and we were all worn out when we got home. We spent the rest of the weekend taking it easy and catching up on lost time with Grandma and Grandpa.
Brett showed off his new crawling skills.
Nat LOVED her new fishing game....infact, we all had fun with it.
Brett just keeps getting cuter everyday! He's so photogenic! We have been wanting to go to the Wildlife Park. Maybe we'll wait til my parents come visit, so they can pay! :)
Your daughter could not look more perfect in that dress! You have a darling family.
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